More on water (or Moron Water)

DAY 18 – 14 March 2020

We in developed nations have very little need for bottled water. People believe it’s better for them than tap water, but as I detailed in my earlier post “Bring a bottle,” this is really not the case. They are carried along by the hype. So I suppose this is why now, when everyone is concerned about COVID-19, that people are panic buying bottled water. We all have perfectly good tap water in our homes, at a tiny fraction of the price of the bottled equivalent. It will not transmit the virus. It will probably have less bacteria. It will have fewer plastic particles. Even if we are holed up in our homes for weeks, we will have plenty of water, especially if you’ve had anything like the amount of rain we’ve had in the UK in the last few months! It seems the herd mentality kicks in, so when people see others stockpiling, they do the same without thinking.


Dasani, Coca-Cola‘s own brand of bottled water, seems to have become the pariah – people are avoiding it like Coronavirus, while every other brand has disappeared from the shelves. “I’d rather die than drink Dasani!” one tweet exclaimed. This is one occasion where I’ll permit myself a cheeky grin at another’s misfortune!

Are people finally seeing bottled water for what it really is?
A drink for a scantily clad emperor, perhaps.

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